The snail you need

We offer products and packaging tailored to your needs.


Instant excellence

All connoisseurs agree: prepared snails deserve the “freshness” quality guaranteed by this range.
You’ll find an authentic taste preserved, excellent cooking and a masterful choice of ingredients.

Our “prepared fresh” range offers an ideal meat/ stuffing balance in uniformly sized shells.

They are available in bulk, trays, plates or customized packaging:

produits frais Bourgogne Escargots
fougères forêt


Pleasure at any time

Enjoy a high-quality festive product whenever you want, thanks to this practical method of preservation.

Whether in bags, trays, bags or plates, all you have to do is heat them up!

produits surgelés Bourgogne Escargots
esacrgots préparés


A festive taste all year round

Festive products like snails aren’t just for the festive season.

At Bourgogne Escargots, we’ve developed a «finger food» catering range, for pleasure in every bite.

Discover our range of aperitif products in the form of “Croustilles and Mini-feuilletés”, an original way to enjoy our snails with friends.

Our range of stuffed shellfish, on the other hand, will stand out for its originality and will delight the taste buds of connoisseurs!

produits gourmands pour apéritif Bourgogne Escargots
beurre persillé


Prepared according to tradition

For a return to our roots, we offer a range of natural snail meat, canned or frozen.
Each snail meat is selected and packaged by hand, guaranteeing its quality.

This rigorous selection allows for a wide range of preparations, from the simplest to the most original.

They are offered in a range of packaging formats, complemented by empty shells in a variety of sizes.
Flesh, shells, stuffing… you name it, it’s up to you!

produits natures Bourgogne Escargots
boites de conserve
macaron Bourgogne Escargots doré


Prepared according to the “Label Rouge” requirement

Parc evasionParc evasion

These labeled snails meet a number of requirements:
extra-fine butter stuffing, a balance between meat and stuffing,
and guaranteed traceability of meat from the collection area.

label rouge_bourgogne escargots

Dare to try new
Burgundy truffle flavors!

Available FRESH or FROZEN.

visu_truffes Bourgogne Escargots
illustration_question escragot
Do you have a question or a request?