Fresh Stuffed Escargots (21 days in package)
(Available Species: Burgundy Snail, “white snail and “small grey”)

Experienced escargot connoisseurs consider fresh stuffed escargots as the highest quality available .
Available for purchase in bulk quantities, smaller sizes and individual plates.


Frozen Stuffed Escargots ( 18 months freezer-life )
(Species: Burgundy snail, “white snail and “small grey”)

Attractive packaging and presentation coupled with long freezer-life.


Label Rouge: Gourmet French Escargots

In France, Label Rouge, designates food products that meet very stringent criteria of purity, authenticity and quality. Label Rouge escargots are simply the best escargots available on the market.
Label Rouge quality control certification is managed by the French Department of Agriculture. To gain certification, we authorize an independent and impartial laboratory to regularly test our escargots in order to verify that Label Rouge criteria is met.

Produits Bourgogne Escargots : bourriche 24 escargots label rouge


Appetizers: Crispy Escargots — an original way of eating snails!

This range consists of mini vol au vent and Crispy Escargots to give a festive touch to your cocktail party.






Frozen stuffed mussels, an original product appreciated by the connaisseur
An excellent additional product.


Canned and Frozen Escargots
(Species: Burgundy snail, snail and “small grey”)

The escargots are simply cooked in vegetable stock with salt, pepper and natural flavours and then sterilized or frozen : ensuring that the consumer can then use the snails in any type of prepared dish and still taste the original freshness and unique Burgundy escargot flavour.

Produits Bourgogne Escargots : escargots

Produits Bourgogne Escargots : présentation de la gamme