Our know-how

each snail is unique

We offer 3 different ranges of snails.

coquille Helix Pomatia

Hélix Pomatia

The snail of Burgundy

This is the gourmet snail! It is known for its strong taste of under-brush and its dense texture. Its shell and its flesh are clear. It is an exclusively wild snail. The species has been protected in France since 1979 and gathering the snail is regulated for individuals and prohibited for snail manufacturers or any person using them for commercial purposes. They flourish in Central and Eastern Europe. Its is there that we go to find them, in their natural habitat.

coquille Helix Lucorum

Hélix Lucorum

The classic snail

It is also a wild snail, simply known as “escargot” (snail). It is characterised by its darker shell, marked with spiral bands. Its flesh is softer and it has a more refined taste than those of its counterparts. It is mainly gathered in Turkey and in the Balkans.

coquille Petit Gris

Hélix Aspersa

The little and big grey

Whether it is Muller or Maxima, this snail is particularly prolific in France. Aspersa Muller, known as “Little Grey” is abundant on the perimeter of the Mediterranean in its wild state. This snail is popular in Catalan recipes. Its flesh is soft with a fairly refined taste, especially if the snail lived in the wild. Aspersa Maxima or “big grey”, is larger and is the snail principally bred in France. Its flesh is soft and less tasty, which makes it an alternative to the Burgundy Snail for those who are looking for a snail of French origin and less flavourful than a wild snail.

The search for tasting pleasure is a cardinal value for BOURGOGNE Escargots,
and we work mainly with the Burgundy Snail.
We select our snails on site with great care, building long-term partnerships with our traditional suppliers.
This is also true of all our raw materials such as butter.

The different steps in manufacture

Each step in the manufacturing process is carried out by hand by our experienced team in the traditional way at our site at Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur (21).

cuisson escargots


This is the first step in the preparation of the snails. The flesh is cooked in stock for 3 hours, according to a recipe specific to Bourgogne Escargots with precise temperature criteria.
This phase ensures that the flesh is clean and its microbial flora have been removed.
Once cooking is complete, they are stored in the cooking juices before being put into shells.
encoquillage escargots

Putting into shells
& buttering the snails

These two steps are carried out by hand and require great care both as to the uniformity of the flesh and the shells.
After each shell has first been filled with flesh of the correct size, it must be properly garnished with butter so that the flesh will not dry out. Filling is carried out on site only using natural ingredients: butter, parsley, garlic, shallots and spices. Nothing more!
encoquillage escargots
conditionnement des escargots


Once ready, our snails are carefully placed onto trays, into bags or platters and labelled before being boxed.

macaron Bourgogne Escargots doré
produits Bourgogne Escargots

our products

We prepare each snail with the same taste for excellence.

An experienced team

beurrage escargots

Ensures the quality
of our products,

our escargotières and escargotiers ensure the weight balance between tasty flesh and the filling prepared with attention and passion. This requires considerable dexterity.

beurrage escargots<br />
ancienneté des collaborateurs<br />

The experience of our partners enables us to offer exceptional snails, all prepared by hand by a team certain of their know-how, acquired on site, over many years,

some certainly more than 30 years!

tradition Bourgogne escargots

Tradition, quality & expertise…

This is what motivates our team during the productions steps. Production which takes place in the heart of Burgundy from which we have inherited our traditional recipes.
We prepare each snail with the same taste for excellence and uniformity.

tradition Bourgogne escargots