BOURGOGNE ESCARGOTS is located in the city of Dijon, in the heart of Burgundy, France’s most celebrated culinary region.
Savoir Faire
Where else but in Burgundy would it be possible to find the best fresh and prepared escargots?
Bourgogne Escargot has been in the escargot business for over 40 years.
Our product range consists of conserves, stuffed escargots in their shells (using a traditional Burgundy recipe), fresh and frozen escargots.
Bourgogne Escargots offers a full range of escargot and seafood products for the catering industry.
Quality First : BOURGOGNE ESCARGOTS built its reputation on quality. Our quest for quality is present in everything we do. It starts by selecting the finest escargots, complete control of our food processing, extensive employee training and then on to finding the best ways to serve our customers.
We are a mid-size firm with 35 employees. This ensures a high level of control over the process. All products are made at our premises in Dijon. We do not out-source.
Clients satisfaction : Bourgogne Escargot takes pride in reaching out to all existing and potential escargot connoisseurs big and small. Our mid-size company is flexible and can customized our services and products to fixe your specifications.
Come and learn all there is to know about escargots by visiting our premises, factory shop, via on-line sales and through our novelty products like Crispy Escargots!